Transfer files from Google Drive to other cloud storage

Cloud storage is now widely used by people in this world, it can be the free version or the paid version. For example, Google Drive, Dropbox, Mediafire, and many more, and of course they have free and paid versions. Can we transfer files between the clouds? For example, we use Google Drive, like a hard drive, we can transfer files from Google drive to other cloud storage.

What is the difference between cloud storage and hard disk transfers? If we transfer between hard drives, we use a PC / Laptop as a medium that connects the two hard drives. What about cloud storage? For this, we need an intermediary for a website to make transfers between cloud storage. To use services on the MultiCloud website, we can choose to use free or paid facilities. If we don't have funds and the need is not too big, we can choose to use the free facilities.

MultiCloud free plan facility

  1. For traffic data, we will get 30 GB of data traffic/month. According to this time, more than enough if the need is not too great.
  2. The type of server you get is General Server. His name is also free, of course, will be given facilities that can be accessed by the general public.
  3. For technical support, we will get a normal priority. Even though we use the free plan, we will still get technical support. It's OK even though it's a normal type, the name is also free.

How to add cloud drives in Multicloud

  1. Registration must first register on the MultiCloud website. We can choose the free plan only if the need is only once in a while.
  2. After registering and activating the account, now is the time for us to log into MultiCloud.
  3. Now that we are on the MultiCloud dashboard, now is the time for us to add our cloud storage. How to? By clicking the Add Cloud Drives menu on the right side.
  4. After we click the add cloud drives menu, we will be faced with several types of cloud drives. Now we choose the type of cloud storage we have, for example, Google Drive. After that, we click the next menu on the lower right side.
  5. In this section, we can name Google Drive which we will integrate. Then click the Add Google Drive Account button to log into Google Drive.
  6. Now Google Drive has entered the Cloud Storage list in MultiCloud.

One Cloud Storage is already in a MultiCloud account and how do you enter other cloud storage? We just follow the steps above and select the type of cloud storage that we want to include.

How to Transfer files from Google Drive to another drive

  1. After we have integrated 2 or more cloud storage, we will now discuss how to transfer it. Let us discuss the following steps.
  2. On the dashboard we can see the Cloud Transfer menu. Click the Cloud Transfer menu then we will be presented with a 2 long box display. One box as the source cloud drive and 1 box as the destination cloud drive. Here we are free to choose directly to the folder to be transferred or the entire contents of the cloud drive.
  3. After that we select transfer now to start the transfer from 1 cloud drive to another cloud drive.

After the transfer is complete, we check the folder that we transferred earlier whether it has all been transferred or not. If the contents are the same as the source folder, the transfer is successful.

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