Mediumish templates on Blogspot for free 100%

At this time, many bloggers want maximum speed and responsiveness for their blogs. How do you get there? One of them is by using a blogger template that supports speed and responsiveness. There is a free blogger template that we can use, namely the mediumish masterpiece blogger template.

As we know that some several templates or themes are often used by people out there. What about in blogger? Is there a like mediumish template?

What is the Mediumish template?

Actually, what is meant by this Medium Theme? The Mediumish template is a WordPress theme inspired by a Medium website. Why is that? Because as we know, the Medium website is famous for its relaxed and straightforward style. Mediumish Theme is a creation from WowThemes and is a favorite for people who want to experience the Medium sensation on their blog.

Mediumish templates on blogger

There is two Indonesia developer that converts mediumish WordPress to become a mediumish blogger template. They are blog Kurteyki and Mastekno who is converting it for you.

#1 Mediumish by blog Kurteyki

The first one is Mediumish Template Blogspot by blog Kurteyki. This first template that I had tried in my other blog. It seems to me, this is a nice template for Blogspot. Why I said like that? Because most of the settings are in the layout menu and of course this will make it easier for beginners.

#2 Mediumish by Mastekno

For the second blogger template is a masterpiece from mastekno blog. They convert it from the original one to blogspot template. It same as the first one but there are some setting we do manually. What does it mean? It's mean if we want to change navigation menu, we change it from the inside code of the template. It same if we want to change the color but it doesn't matter for me.
According to Mastekno there are some advantages of this blogger theme. Thera are :
  1. SEO, because using a neat and optimal code structure. Onpage SEO optimization code is also implemented by Mastekno on their blog.
  2. Fast Loading becasue in this theme, they uses lazy load. The important one is the code in this theme had been compressed so It is very minimalist.
  3. Easy to ads setting, it just by placing the ad code in the layout, ads can appear in the middle of the article and have been optimized.
  4. And the other advantages if you try this theme

The advantages of these two templates

The advantage of these two templates is that they are easy to install ad code. Why? Because these two templates both use the layout menu for easy ad code installation. It can be imagined that for a beginner placing ad code that is in the html code is very risky for fatal errors. As a result, the code will not work and can damage the existing code structure in the template used.

I felt this way in early 2011. There are indeed many tutorials on Google but sometimes it is difficult for a beginner blogger to understand.

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